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When a company decides to seek new markets, to offer its products to other countries, it is necessary to apply an R&D (Research and Development).

This plan aims to seek more detailed information on the chosen target market before major investments such as international fairs for example. In it, you will be able to be guided which the different modalities could be identified to have a faster return from the project, if it would be direct export, indirect export, licensing for products, search of investors, private label, opening another unit, acquiring local companies, and e-commerce, market place, among others.


The strategy may go through stages, in which normally companies that have never exported, start at the corporate level that can be subdivided into adaptability, standardization and transnational.


Do you intend to enter the international business market?

Map Business can be your partner for managing and monitoring documentation at various stages of product export on the international market.


Talk to us and simplify document management!

Florianópolis - Santa Catarina - Brazil​​


+55 (48) 3023 2211


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Florianópolis - Rua Patrício Farias, 55 - room 414 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil

São Paulo - Rua Capitão Antônio Rosa, 409 - Vila Nova Madalena - São Paulo - SP - Brazil

Guarulhos - São Paulo - Brazil



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